Saint Veronica
Feast Day 12 July
List of Prayers
to the Saints
Jesus, who in your cruel passion did become the reproach of men and the "Man of
Sorrows", I worship your Divine Face. Once it shone with the beauty and
sweetness of the divinity; now for my sake it is become as the face of a leper.
Yet in that disfigured countenance I recognize your infinite love, and I am
consumed with the desire of loving you and making you loved by all mankind.
The tears that streamed in such abundance from your eyes are to me as precious
pearls which I delight to gather, so that with their infinite worth I may ransom
the souls of the poor sinners.
O Jesus, whose face is the sole beauty that ravishes my heart, I may not behold here on earth the sweetness of your glance, nor feel the ineffable tenderness of your kiss. To this I consent but I pray you to imprint in me your divine likeness, and I implore you to so inflame me with your love, that it may quickly consume me, and soon I may reach the vision of your glorious face in heaven! Amen.